Auto Clicker For Mac With Hotkey

Лучшие программы автокликеры

Ans: After you have installed the application on your PC, launch it, feed in the various parameters (Target Point, Click Interval, Click Type, and Click Repeat), and click on the start button. You can also use the hotkey to start and stop the clicker. Leopard or Mac OS X 10.5, Snow Leopard or Mac OS X 10.6, Lion or Mac OS X 10.7, Mountain Lion or Mac OS X 10.8 versions of Mac should be able to run this Auto Clicker fine. In order to use this Auto Clicker for Mac, you would need to download, extract and copy the files onto your Mac and then you would need to configure a Keyboard Shortcut to.

На этой странице список из 8 лучших автокликеров, найденных на просторах интернета. Не относитесь к этому списку как к рейтингу, у каждой программы есть плюсы и минусы. В начале пойдут самые простые в использовании кликеры.

Mac OS X 10.8 Instructions to Download & Install Mac Auto Clicker. Download and Save the Auto Clicker by File to Downloads or to Some Other Folder. Open Downloads Folder in Finder or other Location where you have Downloaded the MurGaa Auto Clicker Setup File. Right Click on Downloaded Auto Clicker Setup and from the Menu, Click on Open.

1. Free Mouse Clicker

Настроек минимум: интервал, кнопка мыши, действие (одинарный или двойной щелчок), горячие клавиши начала и остановки. Всё.

2. OP Auto Clicker

Op Auto Clicker похож на предыдущий, но имеет чуть больше настроек.

В нем можно выбрать место, где будут происходить клики: в текущем положении курсора или в заранее заданных координатах. Также можно задать конечное количество кликов.

3. Free Auto Clicker

Free Auto Clicker позволяет задавать точное место на экране, где нужно имитировать щелчки мыши. Можно даже задать последовательность из нескольких координат.

Ещё можно установить нужный интервал и количество кликов, после которого нужно остановиться.

Можно кликать каждой кнопкой мыши.

4. GS Auto Clicker

Настроек не так много, и они все спрятаны по разным окошкам, что не очень удобно. Зато в GS Auto Clicker есть возможность записи. Программа запишет последовательность ваших кликов и их положение. После этого можно будет запускать записанную последовательность.

5. Auto Click Typer

Для каждого действия в сценарии можно настраивать задержку и количество нажатий как в точном количестве, так и в случайном из диапазона значений.

6. Auto Mouse Click

Auto Mouse Click может имитировать работу мыши, несколько кнопок клавиатуры и несколько системных действий. Всё это можно комбинировать в различной последовательности.

Порядок действий довольно простой: выберите координаты, в которых произойдет действие; выберите тип действия из списка; затем выберите задержку; и нажмите кнопку «Add».

Можно создать последовательность из разных или однинаковых действий. После завершения создания скрипта нажмите «Start», чтобы запустить скрипт. Вот и все.

Можно назначить отдельные горячие клавиши для старта/остановки скрипта, для взятия координат курсора и для добавления действия.

7. Perfect Automation

Поскольку в этом автокликере там много функций, сначала в нем сложно разобраться.


Этот автокликер для Mac абсолютно бесплатен, но и безобразно прост. Можно назначать автоматическую остановку по времени или количеству кликов. Однако, нет функции горячих клавиш, что делает его очень неудобным.

Какой автокликер лучший?

Из простых лучшим будет OP Auto Clicker. Если вам нужны более сложные последовательности щелчков, качайте Auto Click Typer. Ну а если вам нужен продвинутый инструмент с возможностью записи, выбирайте Perfect Automation.

ТОП-12 лучших автокликеров для мыши — рейтинг самых удобных и эффективных

Наш материал поможет вам выбрать лучший автокликер для мыши. Подобный софт позволяет автоматизировать некоторые рутинные процессы на компьютере, сняв с пользователя необходимость самостоятельно монотонно нажимать на кнопку мыши.

Автокликер – специфическая программа для мыши и клавиатуры вашего ПК, которые позволяют запрограммировать устройства на выполнение нажатия определенной кнопки через установленные интервалы времени.



Выбирая наиболее подходящий автокликер отталкивайтесь от того, для каких именно целей вы скачиваете такое программное обеспечение.

Если вы собираетесь попытаться заработать таким способом, кликая по рекламным ссылкам, рассматривайте только те варианты, которые способны обходить защиту от роботов.

Если же вам требуется подтверждать удаление множества файлов, например, то более актуальным будет вариант автокликера, позволяющего запрограммировать устройство на клики через заданный интервал и так далее.

Упростить и ускорить процесс выбора подходящего программного обеспечения поможет таблица 1, в которой приведены наиболее популярные и подходящие программы, выполняющие такую функцию, и их основные эксплуатационные характеристики.

Таблица 1. Сравнение лучших программ для автокликинга

НазваниеОбход защитыУстановление интервала между нажатиямиЗадействованность клавиатурыПравая кнопка мыши
ClickerManЧастичноДа, в широком диапазонеДа, а также горячие клавишиНет, только левая
AutoClick ExtremeНетДа, в широком диапазонеДа, а также горячие клавишиНет, только левая
UoPilotНетНетДа, а также горячие клавишиНет, только левая
Automatic Mouse and KeyboardНетДа, в широком диапазонеДа, а также горячие клавишиДа
Ghost MouseНетДа, в широком диапазонеНетНет, только левая
GS AutoClickerНетДа, в широком диапазонеНет, только горячие клавиши и мышьДа, обе кнопки
Free Mouse AutoClickerЧастичноДа, но только в платной версии программыТолько в платной версии программы. В бесплатной – только горячие клавиши и мышьДа, обе кнопки
Clikka Mouse FreeНетНетДа, а также горячие клавишиДа
AC Auto ClickerНетДа, но только в платной версии программыТолько в платной версии программы. В бесплатной – только мышьДа, обе кнопки
The Fastest Mouse Clicker for WindowsНетДа, в широком диапазонеДа, а также горячие клавишиДа

Далее материал более подробно рассматривает наиболее популярные программы такого принципа действия.


Утилита распространяется полностью бесплатно в полной версии, качественно русифицирована, что является редкостью в данном сегменте софта.

Может программировать как мышь, так и клавиатуру, Пользователь способен задать наиболее предпочтительный интервал между нажатиями клавиш.

Из дополнительных полезных функций можно отметить возможность выполнения заданий по специфическому скрипту, записанному пользователем. Позволяет задавать положение указателя мыши по координатам.

Поддерживает эмуляцию нажатия горячих клавиш.

AutoClick Extreme

Функциональная и наиболее «серьезная» система, среди всех, рассмотренных в данном списке.

Бесплатно распространяется только пробная версия, которая предоставляет доступ к полному функционалу софта, но только на один месяц. Далее стоимость лицензии составляет 1000 рублей (оплачивается однократно).

Отличается стабильной работой, имеет качественную русификацию. Позволяет программировать клики мыши, нажатия кнопок клавиатуры через заданный интервал времени.

Не нагружает аппаратные ресурсы компьютера, быстро устанавливается, мало весит.

Читайте также:


Простая, но популярная и функциональная программа, распространяемая бесплатно официально, в полнофункциональной версии.

Имеет неплохую русификацию. Способен задавать работу, как клавиатуры, так и клавиши мыши.

Automatic Mouse and Keyboard

Рис. 4 Mouse and Keyboard

Сложная, многофункциональная среди всех, позволяющая качественно оптимизировать и автоматизировать многие процессы, происходящие на вашем компьютере.

Ориентирована на англоязычную аудиторию, распространяется платно, но есть также бесплатная пробная версия.

Оплата лицензии производится один раз (а не подписка).

Ghost Mouse

Максимально простая и небольшая утилита распространяется бесплатно.

Ориентирована на нечастое кратковременный пользование.

Имитируют только клик левой кнопкой мыши, не поддерживает горячие клавиши и работу с клавиатурой. Планировщик задач также отсутствует.

Best Auto Clicker Software – Automatic Clicker

Fast clicking is a necessary evil for gamers. It would be best if you had the unimaginable finger strength to do multiple clicks per second as you attack, build structures, dig up in Minecraft or traverse through the worlds of Skyrim. It is indeed tiring to keep clicking the mouse thousands of times repeatedly.

Is there an easy way? Yes! – the Auto Clicker.

An Auto Clicker is a software program that simulates the mouse clicks in various games to focus on aiming and completing the levels instead of insanely hitting the mouse click button (until it breaks!).

9 Best Auto Clicker Softwares

These are the top automatic clicking software to perform auto mouse clicking.

1. Free Auto Clicker

As the name suggests, this is a ‘free’ tool to automate clicking on your computer. It is on the top of this list because it gives complete control in the hands of the gamers themselves!

Despite the straightforward user interface, you can customize the clicking the way you want it.

The Free Auto Clicker allows you to set the X and Y coordinates on your screen where you want the stimulated mouse clicks. You can input more than one coordinate pair and make the auto clicker run in the sequence.

Apart from the clicking position, you can enter the time interval (in milliseconds) in which you want the click to happen. The lesser time interval you enter, the faster will be the clicking.

Another handy feature of Free Auto Clicker is the ‘Stop After’ value. You can tell the software to stop clicking automatically after the predefined number of clicks.

Like all other auto clicking software, you can choose between ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ click.



2. GS Auto Clicker

GS Auto Clicker is another simple automatic clicking tool developed by Golden Soft. They have implemented an intuitive hotkey trigger that makes gamers’ lives much more comfortable.

There are not many configuration options; all you have to do is press the designated Hotkey, and the auto-clicking will begin instantly.

I like the Recording functionality of the GS Auto Clicker. Just go to the Options menu and click Recording. The tool lets you record the sequence and position of your clicks. Once done, you can set it to Repeat your recorded sequence for a defined time interval.

For those who do not want to put themselves into a lot of configuration stuff, the GS Clicker is the best auto clicker that can be used for free.



Auto Clicker For Mac With HotkeyAuto clicker for mac free with hotkeyMac

3. Auto Click Typer

Another tool for automating the mouse clicks is the Auto Click Typer. It is a free auto clicking software to create sequential commands to move and click the mouse.

Not only clicking, but the Auto Click Typer also has the option to emulate pressing specific keyboard keys or type the text for you automatically (if you want to).

For automating clicks using the Auto Click Typer, click the Add button and, in the next window, enter the Action to performed like Left Click or Right Click, the details of the Action such as Number of Clicks and a comment. Once done, click ‘OK,’ and your Action will be added to the sequence.

The program also allows you to move the actions up to and down in the sequence. You can also edit the series and manage the click speed in milliseconds.

With the ability to simulate mouse clicks and keyboard keys, the Auto Click Typer is one of the best free auto clicking software you can use.



4. Auto Mouse Click

The Auto Mouse Click is wholly dedicated to auto mouse clicking only, so there is no support for keyboard keys. But it gives you all the options you will need to get an insanely high number of clicks in seconds. Let’s see how it works.

The interface is relatively easy. Pick the coordinates where you want the automated clicks. Select the Action type – Left click or Right-click. Now, choose the delay between two clicks in milliseconds. Finally, click the Add button.

Repeat the process if you want to create a sequence. Once the series is complete, click Start to begin auto-clicking. That’s it.

You can assign Hotkey for the specific sequence as well. Being very straightforward in usage, the Auto Mouse Click is the easiest auto clicker in the market today.



5. Perfect Automation

Perfect Automation is the most comprehensive auto clicker software combined with many advanced features like keyboard and mouse recorder, scheduler, script editor, etc.

I recommend Perfect Automation only for those who need advanced tools for complete Automation on their computer (and that includes serious gamers too!).

You record your mouse clicks’ pattern, edit the script as per your choice, and then set it to repeat for a definite time interval during your Minecraft battle or other gaming sessions.

Interestingly, the Perfect Automation also allows you to record your keyboard keys and then repeat them over and over again. It works perfectly to save combo attacks in this way.

As this auto clicker has many features, it sometimes gets confusing for a beginner to get used to all the options.



6. Free Mouse Clicker

If you need the most straightforward auto mouse clicking tool, then the Free Mouse Clicker won’t let you down. It a single screen software with no options menu, export, import, and other confusing stuff.

Set the click interval using the timer. You can set the interval as low as one millisecond (that means 100 clicks in one second). Next, select the mouse click button – Left or Right – and the click type – Single or Double.

Use the Hotkey to Start or Stop the automatic clicking. It’s that simple. Optionally, you choose the Hotkey as per your own choice.



7. Roblox Auto Clicker

The Auto clicker for Roblox is an automatic mouse clicker software that allows you to perform automatic mouse clicks in the game. In simple words, it is not different than just a regular automatic clicker.

This custom made auto key clicker for Roblox can be triggered easily to take account of earlier recorded or any presently generated inputs by the user.

This Auto Clicker comes with support for both the Android and iOS platforms. With Roblox clicker’s help, you can be online in the games even when you are not sitting in front of your desktop. Isn’t it this makes this auto clicker the best choice for gamers to download for free? If yes, then why wait? Get this auto clicker for Roblox right now!

8. OP Auto Clicker

Unlike other autoclickers, Op Auto Clicker is a full-fledged auto clicker that comes in two different types of configuration. Using them, you can either click on the predefined location or at a place of your cursor on the screen.

In OP Auto Clicker, you can also fix the maximum clicks needed or leave this empty if an infinite number of clicks are required.


MAC Auto Clicker is used to click at a specific mouse cursor location any number of times you want automatically.

The Auto Clicker for MAC is free for the users. It supports vase variety of features such as setting intervals before click, between clicks, after clicks and click count times.

The demand for MAC Auto Clickers is increasing day by day because most gamers are now shifting towards macOS. Apart from gaming, MAC Automatic clickers can be used on websites where multiple clicking is continuously required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Auto clicker illegal?
No, auto clickers are not illegal, but using them is definitely against the rules.

Can Hypixel detect Autoclickers?
Yes, autoclicker is detectable and is not allowed in Hypixel at all.

What is a Safe Auto Clicker?
GS Auto Clicker doesn’t contain any malware and performs the legitimate process to automate the mouse-clicking, so it is 100% safe.

Auto Clicker For Mac Free

What is the best Auto Clicker among all?

In my opinion, if you want full control over automatic clicking, use the Free Auto Clicker or GS Auto Clicker. For more advanced players, choose Perfect Automation.

I use the Free Mouse Clicker because of its simplicity and reliability.

The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows | Official Download

The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows uses arrayed Win32 SendInput() API to reach 100000 cps. Supports command line, random clicks and record/play sequences of clicks.

, 20 Forks made at Github

, 3154385 Total downloads including all the historical sites

Updated Apr 22 2021

The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows | Official Download

The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows uses arrayed Win32 SendInput() API to reach 100000 cps. Supports command line, random clicks and record/play sequences of clicks.

New big version with FIXED POSITION CLICKING has been released!

Free and fast, open source, full-featured, statically-linked mouse auto clicker for Windows written in vanilla C++. Uses hardware-limited arrayed Win32 SendInput() calls to reach up to 100000 clicks/s. Supports command line, random clicks and record-play the sequences of clicks.


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Official Download ( mirror )


This is the official site to download various versions of The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows. Also there is official mirror. All the versions are shipped with SHA256 fingerprints to ensure you do download the genuine software.

Auto Clicker

The program is written in vanilla C++ with native Win32 API and linked statically thus it becomes a super-compact executable without external dependencies and can run on a bare Windows installation.

Here is a short intro video that tells how to download and install The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows. Also it shows basic quick-start guide to use automated clicks. Your browser does not support the video tag. Watch intro to The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows in Youtube.

There are a lot of use-cases of The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows. Amateurs can use it for cheating in various web sites or video games such as Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), Candy Crush Saga, Roblox games, etc. Professionals can use it for quality assistant and testing purposes because full support of command line in batch files, PowerShell scripts, etc.


The world’s best click rate up to 100 000 clicks per second, increased by 10 times comparing with the predecessor application “Fast Mouse Clicker”. The latest version with fixed performance issue is 100 times faster!

Utilizes batch-array feature of SendInput() and manipulates with Sleep() to reach the ultimate possible performance of mouse clicks on Windows.

The Left, Middle, and Right mouse buttons are supported, they can be triggered for clicking by a key on the keyboard in a press or toggle mode.

Arbitrary keyboard key can be selected to trigger the clicking process. Furthermore, an another mouse button can play a role of a trigger key.

Different independent trigger keys to begin/end the clicking in toggle mode.

The program works fine even if it is minimized and also it operates on an arbitrary desktop area. The program can stop to ckick automatically, if a certain number of clicks is given by end-user.

This is free, open source application without ads, viruses, trojans, malware, etc. forever.

The program has built-in updater service under construction that may perform additional scientific tasks when your CPU is idle with very tiny CPU and Internet usage. See source code of the installer. The application uninstalls clearly and is NOT a virus or malware. You may switch to the installers without update service and back with in any moment.

Button “Batch folder” has been added to open a directory with *.bat files quickly; it simplifies command line usage a lot.

Fractional values for clicks/s parameter are supported. For example, 0.5 clicks/s equals to 1 click every 2 seconds.

Random clicking has been implemented. Just click the “Batch folder” button and see remarks in the *.bat files reside there in order how to use command line arguments and to enable random clicking.

Group clicking (record/play the sequences of clicks) supported via additional application since v. You can quickly switch between the applications by clicking the “Run group app”/”Run single app” button.

Window Always Top checkbox to keep the app’s window topmost.


What about other auto-clickers and their features? Here is the table that summarizes all the key features of 3 most downloaded programs.

FeatureFast Mouse ClickerAuto ClickerThe Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows
Open source projectNoYesYes
Regular updates and bug fixesNoNoYes
Arbitrary trigger key for clickingYesYesYes
Mouse button as trigger key for clickingYesNoYes
Independent trigger keys in toggle modeNoYesYes
All the clicking parameters auto-saveNoYesYes
Group clicking (record-play the sequences of clicks)NoYesYes
Command line support in batch filesNoNoYes
Button to open a folder with all the batch filesNoNoYes
Button to reset all the clicking parameters to default valuesNoNoYes
Random clicking in a specified rectangleNoNoYes
Hardware-limited fastest clicking via arrayed SendInput() NoNoYes
Side DLL/runtime independent (runs on bare Windows)NoNoYes
Checkbox to keep the app window always TopNoNoYes

The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows wins this competition because its code is a further developing of the rest 2 popular apps.


Unlike other auto-clickers that use obsolete mouse_event() system call from C/C++ source or un-arrayed SendInput() from C#/.Net source, The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows uses arrayed SendInput() with specially prepared arrays of mouse events:

The size of the arrays is carefully computed based on the click rate given by end-user. To avoid system event buffer overflow, the time in Sleep() is selected properly according the size of the array.

The GUI of the application seems archaic, but it is made by very base Win32 system calls to avoid performance degradation caused by high-level third-side libraries such as Qt or slow managed code in frameworks like C#/.Net. For example, GetAsyncKeyState() is used to detect the trigger keys pressed by end-user:

Mac Auto Clicker

Another benefit of such an approach is compact, statically-linked executable without any external dependencies.

When end-user selects low click rates, actual size of the array of mouse events in SendInput() is set to 1 and number of clicks per second is regulated by Sleep() only. But when end-user selects high click rates, the size of the array becomes significant. In rare circumstances, it may lead to freeze the whole Windows GUI. To avoid that, the helper thread is created to scan GetAsyncKeyState() independently in order end-user has requested to stop the clicking and force BlockInput() because mouse event buffer may be full:

Free auto clicker for mac with hotkey download

Auto Clicker For Mac With Hotkey Free

Complete source code with comments is shipped with Windows installer or can be watched on Github and Gitlab.


Screenshots for the latest version are here!


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Auto Clicker For Mac With Hotkey

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Top 10 Mouse Auto Clickers Most Honest Rating, The Most Honest Rating of Existing Autoclickers

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Video reviews from our users

Wolf0626, young vlogger shows how he downloads, installs and runs The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows on his PC. Your browser does not support the video tag. Watch the review video «How to Download the fastest mouse clicker for windows. » in Youtube.

BullyWiiPlaza, experienced youtuber shows how he cheats extra scores with The Fastest Mouse Clicker for Windows in his mature gameplay. Your browser does not support the video tag. Watch the review video «[Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links] The Fastest Auto Clicker for Windows Gameplay» in Youtube.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Free Auto Clicker For Mac With Hotkey

Does the clicker work when its main GUI window is minimized?

Yes, it does. Trigger keys are being intercepted and mouse events are being emitted regardless the application window state is: normal, maximized, minimized, focus, blur, etc.


What if I want to emulate 2 clicks within every 3 seconds, what the ‘clicks per second’ parameter should be?

You have to type 0.67 inside ‘clicks per second’ input field. Just click on it, delete previous value, and type new one.

What is minimal Windows version supported?

Your PC must have Windows 7 or later. Don’t use Windows XP. Better use Windows 10.

When I open many windows simultaneously on my desktop and start to emulate mouse clicks, I lose the GUI window of the app. Why?

That’s because you forget about checkbox named “Window Always Top”. It is specially designed to prevent such a situation. Once you check it, main GUI window of the program will be layered always topmost (above all the other windows on your desktop).

What about sequences of clicks?

Work with sequences of clicks is supported since v2.5.x.x. To avoid GUI complication, second “Group” application is implemented. To run that app from main “Single” app just press a “Run group app” button. To return to main app press “Run single app” button.

Does your program run on bare Windows, like Windows Home on a laptop just from store?

Auto Clicker For Mac Free With Hotkey

Yes. Unlike all other auto-clickers this app is statically linked and has no external dependencies (e.g. “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b)” from incorrect linkage against MSVC run-time DLLs).

Is this FAQ nearly complete?

Oh no 🙂 It has been just started. Feel free to ask your question via email. See the Contacts chapter below.