Stage Plot Creator Free

When you are preparing to perform in a show or a play one of the most important things that you must have with you is the Techrider. It is a document that will help the organizers of the show understand your requirements. They will make sure to provide you with all the facilities. In case that they are unable to meet your requirements, they will let you know. One of the biggest benefits of Techrider is that it will allow you to accommodate according to the situations. As well as it will allow you to check and finalize the setup of your stage so that you will not have to face any difficulties while performing on stage.
Although it's self-explaining to create your Technical Rider (or sometimes Stage Plot) with this free tool you can find some description below that explains exactly how to generate a Stage Plot with this generator.

Added an export button to the stage plot page and an import button to the stage plots list. This allows you to send stage plots to other devices or back them up outside of Stage Plot Maker. This function allows you to exchange stage plots between Stage Plot Maker and BandHelper. Dropped support for iOS 5-6.

  • Stage Plot creator for free Design and share your Stage Plot online in a simple way just by drag & drop your instruments on the stage. We help you to create your Technical Rider online to have a much easier show experience. Once you've created your Tech Rider online, you can share it with your band members, download your Stage Plot as PDF.
  • SPG is a mobile, efficient, and customizable stage plot design program that gives production staff, musicians, and other behind-the-scenes technical staff, the ability to see at a glance, exactly how instrumentation, amps, lights, platforms, and other 'props' should be organized on stage. Here are some details; Stage Plot Design.
  • Free online stage plan creator. Create a stage plan. Use our stage plan builder to create the exact stage plot for your gig. After that all you need to do is.
  • Stage Plot Creator; A Stage Plot is practically as it sounds, a plot of the stage. This is where you use a diagram to reflect where the band and equipment will be during your performance, and how the stage should be set up to reflect this.

Every touring band needs a stage plot. You’ll be making the lives of club owners, venue bookers, and live-sound engineers much easier by sending them an accurate stage plot and input list well in advance of your show.

You’ll also make your load-in, setup, and soundcheck experience more efficient.

What is a stage plot?

A stage plot is a visual representation that illustrates your band’s live performance setup, band member placement on stage, what gear you use, and any other helpful information to the venue.

What do I include?

  • Visual representation of where each member is positioned on stage.
  • The names of each member and what instruments they play.
  • How many mics, DIs, monitors, and cables (XLRs or 1/4 inch) you’ll need the venue to provide.
  • What sound gear, if any, you’ll be providing.
  • Whether or not bass and keyboard amplifiers have balanced outputs. Will they be mic’d or run direct?
  • Where the amps will be placed in relation to the players.

Here are a couple basic examples.

How can I create a stage plot?

If you just need something free and easy, check out Stage Plot Designer. It doesn’t need to be neat and pretty, it only needs to be accurate. I encourage adding any technical or logistical details as well.

What can I use if I’m in a rush?

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to draw your stage plot last-minute, and hopefully NOT on a napkin, you can use the following symbols to make things clear.

  • Use a series of circles to stand for the drum set.
  • Microphones are denoted by an X inside of a circle.
  • Amps are rectangles.
  • Stage wedges are triangles.
  • Keyboards, guitars, basses, DJ stations,… you might need to use some of your grade-school doodling skills.

If you can’t create a stage plot, at least send the venue an informal input list.

For instance:


Dave- Standard 2-tom drum kit. Mic for kick. Mic for snare/hat. One overhead. Vocal mic on boom stand. Monitor to his left.

Janet- acoustic & electric guitar. stands front center stage. Vocal mic on boom stand. Guitar amp to the left of drum monitor. Also, DI for acoustic guitar.

Stage Plot Pro

Peter- electric bass. stands stage left. boom mic for vocals. bass rig sits rear stage left, has balanced out.

Stage Plot Creator Free Trial

Alice- 2 keyboards, both going into single keyboard amp with balanced out. Also one vocal mic on boom stand that doubles as trumpet microphone.

So what do I do with my stage diagram?

Email it to the booker, promoter, or talent-buyer the moment your gig is confirmed. Also, ask them if you can get the contact info for the live-sound engineer and send it to them. The booker may also send you an email or contract with lots more information about the gig. The sound person’s contact info might be on there too. Be sure to check.

Then, show up, have fun, put on a great show, and sell some music!

Free Stage Plot Designer

-Chris R. at CD Baby